Wayne’s Full Bio

As a writer and teacher Wayne travels the world helping believers sort out what it means to live freely in the life of Christ. His latest books include He Loves Me: Learning to Live in the Father’s Affection and So You Don’t Want to Go to Church Anymore. He also collaborated on the writing of The Shack and helped create Windblown Media, the publishing company behind the phenomenon. He was a pastor for 20 years and a Contributing Editor to Leadership Journal and has authored numerous articles on spiritual formation, relational community and engagement of culture. His home website is Lifestream.org where you can find his blog, books, articles, and audio teachings. Also, as President of BridgeBuilders he is also a nationally-recognized specialist and mediator in resolving cultural and religious conflicts. He resides in Newbury Park, California with his wife Sara and enjoys his adult children and two precious granddaughters.