Heroin, Porn, and Facebook (#678)

One of the great wonders of our redemption in Christ is joy and freedom of finding our way beyond the brokenness of our humanity and how it manipulates our behavior to capture our spirit. A recent article in Christianity Today invites Brad and Wayne into a discussion about the transformation that comes from a relational engagement with the God who made us and knows how to walk us out of the twisting and isolation of the addictive behaviors of sin.

Podcast Notes:
Christianity Today article: What Can Drug-Addicted Doctors Teach Porn-Addicted Pastors?
"Yes, and”: What Improv Comedy Taught Me about the Annunciation
If You Can Help Us in Kenya


  1. Even though I know that an addiction – in whatever form it comes in – is not what is most satisfying; In the meantime – until something gets more settled in my being – sometimes a dopamine hit is better than nothing…

  2. Unfortunately God has not given to much instructions on sex. Except that when not done correctly it will lead to Sin. Jesus didn’t really embark on it either. When we mention sex every one runs to the hills sort of speaking yelling and putting there fingers in there ears. People are not educated on sex.
    It’s not only the pastor’s who have this problem it’s almost every man alive and women also have this problem as well except women can hide it better than men in most situations. I disagree in what there survey is trying to do it may help a few men except it will not do much for most men and women. And the reason I say that is because they are not educating people on sex. They are educating what sin is that’s all. And how to avoid it thru pray and communication sounds good but still doesn’t educate people on sex.
    Some people think that it’s only to reproduce to make kids while others think it’s just a stress release and it does that. Some it’s for love making in which is correct between two people committed to each other. But people are still not educated on sex. Some people do but most don’t.

    We teach people how to read write make things,harvest things how to plant things but we can’t seem to teach what sex is. Two people join together and they have to figure it out, so how many men teach there sons how to have sex with there coming wife and how many wives do the same with there daughters.

    I would say 1 percent if that.
    So men will look at porn to learn at a young age for what to do in most circumstances but not really knowing what is needed.
    It’s like building a house needing to know what it will take for a foundation to support it and being able to start building it.

    This ex pastor will always battle with porn like most guys and women also because they don’t know what sex is.

  3. There is a TEDx talk called; “Why Giving is Better than Porn”. In the talk, the speaker points out that Porn and giving have at least one similarity; it is one person attempting to connect deeply with another person. OK, these are my two takeaways from the talk. The title, which makes its own statement, and the desire to make a deep connection with another human who needs your connection with them so they can stay alive, just as much as you need to connect with them so your soul will stay alive.

    Now, imagine a social media platform that profiles, and authenticates & verifies, some of the neediest people in the world, each person individually, millions and millions of them, along with the technology and security in the platform that provides you with the ability, by a mouse click, to directly get them the financial help they need to stay alive, as well as helping them to become self-sustaining. Wow, wouldn’t this be ADDICTIVE!, for some anyway.

    Perhaps what Wayne and his friends have been doing in Pokot will develop into something kind of like this.

    And as far as how to train up your kids; teach them, through your own example, to be cheerful givers to those who are truly in need, and when they are old enough to make their own decisions, they will not depart from it.

    – Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done, on Earth, as it is in Heaven!

  4. Hi Wayne and Brad

    Thank you for this. I was that porn addicted pastor. I can offer a gleam of encouragement. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for they shall see God.” There is no one poorer in spirit than a born again believer who is struggling with this massive soul weight.

    There is hope and healing. SAA (sex addicts anonymous) and SA (sexaholics anonymous) are here to help. They have a website and lists of meetings in your area. Roughly 80% of attendees are Christians. Romans 8 will come alive in your life. These are 12 step groups. There is a reason for the program. It works. If you work it. And you’re worth it. Millions will attest to the program’s effectiveness.

    Be blessed and free today in Him who thwarts and changes every plan so we can come to Him as little children and know Him as our loving Father.

  5. I stole this quote from you Wayne and put it on my facebook page (giving you the credit of course): “Love is the answer to everything. Even if someone is going down the wrong road their only hope is your love for them, being a conduit to the love of the Father for them. It’s love that makes the connection and love that begins the transformation to re-wire the brain with grace and get them to where He always wanted them to be.” Great stuff! Thanks

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