New Webcast to Launch Any Day Now!
Welcome to The God In less than a month, we will launch our new website designed to encourage people who are thinking outside the box of religious obligation and who desire to live freely as Christ’s body in the world. The main feature of The God Journey will be a weekly webcast available as a podcast or a simple mp3 download that will encourage people on a relational journey to discover who God is and how to share his life in the church Jesus is building.
A good friend of mine, Brad Cummings and I (Wayne Jacobsen who also hosts will be your hosts as we think with you outside the box of organized religion. We want to help each other sort out the incredible freedom and community that can be embraced when people break free of seeing God’s work fractured by walls we humans have built and learn to live in the life of Jesus as a daily reality. Segments on the show will offer alternative ideas on church life and politics, discuss books and articles of importance to people wanting to live in Gods life, and present compelling stories of people who are living out this journey with reality and freedom.
This webcast will also anchor an interactive website at that would allow us to archive previous shows and other resources, as well as to provide ways for our listeners to participate in the content of future shows and further discuss topics of previous shows in this ever-expanding conversation.
Eventually we plan to stream this show live so that we can invite callers to join us in real time. At the start, however, we will use peoples questions and comments from a comment phone line, interviews from our travels and by phone, and commentary on current events to provide resources and encouragement for people thinking and living outside the box of religious obligation.
Obviously theres a lot of work to be done to launch this webcast. We need tons of wisdom and leading so we dont just create a monster to our own creativity, but end up with a tool that equips and encourages the body. We will also need some resources to pull this show together from a technical and financial standpoint. Would you pray with us about this and pass along anything Jesus might put on your heart about it? Brad and I are both very excited about how this show is already beginning to come together and the resource it can provide for people sorting out their relationship with God.
Our hope is that it will also find an audience among believers who feel disenfranchised by the religious systems and spokespersons of our day and with those who may not know God yet but have honest questions in a search to sort out whether he is the God he claims to be. That should lmake for some rousing conversation.
Watch this page for a late March launch!