Giving Up the Burden To Convince Others

In this their last podcast of 2006, Brad and Wayne talk about overcoming the need to convince others of the truth as we see it. Since the Holy Spirit is the one who convicts of sin, and of righteousness and and of judgment, it is not our job to do so and when we try we actually push people further from the truth. Instead, we get to live authentically, love graciously and speak honestly while watching as the Spirit does that which will best bring people into the light. Program note: The God Journey will go on a two-week hiatus during the holiday season and will resume with a new podcast on January 5.


  1. Cool site. I just heard THE GOD JOURNEY for the first time. I am sorry uou will not broadcast for two weeks during the holidays for I will be on winter break ND WOULD HAVE ENJOYED TO LISTEN. sO THEREFORE TELL ME HOW i CAN GET ACCESS TO PAST PODCASTS. Sis in Christ.

  2. HI Harriet,

    Glad you found us. You can get to the five most recent podcasts by clicking on “The God Journey” at the top of this page. To get to those older than that, click on the “Archives” button next to it. You’ll find tons to keep you busy over the holidays!



  3. You guys have a Merry Christmas & a great New Year!

    See you when you’re back… and I’lkl miss you while you’re gone.

  4. hello, i listened to your podcast. just wanted to get your feedback on a movement in the midwest. people in the area call them christpushers. they love jesus and his’ people with all their heart but some people misunderstand them. they believe in the promotion of jesus christ in every arena [ education, religious, political, sports/entertainment] a group of them are planning to purchase an NBA team which will be the first christian faith based team. would this be considered thinkin outside the box? check this survey that is beginning to circulate in the city.

    1. Are you interested in having an NBA team in Kansas City?

    Yes/ No
    2. Do you believe that Kansas City is ultimately a small market city?

    Yes/ No
    3. Are you interested in seeing Kansas City being recognized on a national and global level?

    Yes/ No
    4. Is Mel Gibson’s Passion of The Christ box office results and the election of George W. Bush III proof that the Christian market has significant value and influence on a national and international scale?

    Yes/ No
    5. If a Kansas City NBA team were to be named The Kansas City Christpushers, what would be your response?

    6. Do you believe that by embracing Christpushers as Kansas City’s official NBA team name, our city would be expanding our exposure beyond the Kansas City borders?

    Yes/ No
    7. If it were announced that the new NBA team name was to be The Kansas City Christpushers and this information was released to all major media outlets such as, ESPN, CNN, CBS, ABC and NBC, do you believe there would be any citywide profitability in this major exposure?

    Yes / No If yes explain / If no explain

    {Email answers to Attention: NBA SURVEY TEAM}

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