Cats and Dogs and Christmas

A humorous look at a diary of a dog and one by a cat, end up being fodder for Brad and Wayne to contemplate two ways of viewing God and others around us. Especially poignant in this Christmas season when we're reminded that God comes to make himself known to us, and wants us to learn how to respond to him in a way that allows us to live in the reality of his presence and the joy of his purpose. Also, we spotlight a new song written and recorded by one of our God Journey listeners, entitled Mr. Nobody, which seemed to sum up the spirit and content of the season by inviting us to capture a playful heart toward his work in us.


  1. Hey guys,

    Great podcast. You know when your on this journey and you take away all the barometers to measure your progress, it gets scary, but it’s so liberating. I must say I don’t know how to pray or anything anymore.

    Well, I just went back to work after being unemployed for 8 months. I’m making a lot less than I’ve made in years, but I’m not concerned. I’m actually enjoying it because I know that Daddy is in it. Before I would be angry that He didn’t supply better for us, but not this time. I take it one day at a time on this journey. It’s so wonderful to be loved by God.

    Anyway Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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