Rise and Shine
The chaos of human governments seems to be on the rise, and many grow hopeless about the world's future. Prophecies abound about the doom and gloom to come as God judges our world. Can this be the end of the age? What should we do in the face of such dire circumstances. Brad and Wayne talk about how this season is a great opportunity for those who really know God to rise and let his light shine through the simple way they live their loves each day, not only caring for themselves, but also looking out for the welfare of others. In a time when many are staking out what they feel entitled to grasp for themselves, we can have a profound impact on the world simply by responding to God's voice each day as we love those around us.
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WOW! Been listening for months now, but this one really resonated! My husband and I attended for several years the congregation with the leader with the prophecies and that was one of the reasons we finally had to leave. No bitterness, no ill feelings, just couldn’t deal with the constant flow of doom and gloom, even though it was always coming from what we believe to be a very sincere and caring heart. I DO believe that God is enough for any of the circumstances that will come our way and that he does have a bigger plan for his own in the middle of it all…just didn’t need the constant provoking to fear. Thanks for the conversation…and really, the conversations. As I said, that was only one of the reasons we left, not only that congregation, but really the system as a whole…we had been becoming more and more dissatisfied with organization without relationship and after years of our own pastoring and ministering and serving in a variety of ways within the systematic church, we are now settling into, what you have termed so well, our own God journey and loving it! Your podcasts are a real encouragement to us weekly as we sometimes need the reminder that we aren’t the only ones. THANKS so much!
i really don’t like the doom and gloom predicted as if this is the end times!
there are people alive who have survive 2 world wars, and that’s a long time ago …
before that we had whole European empires fighting and murdering each other …
long before that you had the roman empire with their Colosseum of carnage …
doesn’t the bible tell there is nothing new under the sun?
Don’t worry about the future or the circumstances, it has repeated itself through history so many times before,
what’s the point to make people afraid of the circumstances anyhow?
I really enjoy the podcasts but I just have to leave a little encouragement for you about the conference you seem reluctant to speak at. You are correct that they can be impersonal and what you’ve said may be forgotten 3 days later, BUT my experience with learning to live loved by Jesus began by hearing about his love for me from speakers. The more I heard, the bigger my appetite for relationship with Him has grown. God uses all kinds of venues…not new news to you, I’m sure. I am so thankful for each time over the last 29 years that God has shown me His heart for me. Relationship with him has developed and is still growing. Even the events that were technically impersonal have turned out to be very personal. It’s all been a part of God pursuing me!
Thank you for the time and effort that you and Brad put into the podcasts. My husband and I enjoy listening and they bring about good conversations! You both bless our hearts!
Thanks for the thoughtfulness of the conversation regarding some sensitive issues. It does seem that the news and other voices out there are capitalizing on fear. I appreciate the focus being on Him, the reltp. He is building with his people and the rest that comes from that. No…not couch and tv remote type of rest. Rather rest in His direction, doing what’s in front of me now (different from how i used to attempt to peer so far into the future) and the growing confidence in His leadership. Thanks also for having these conversations Wayne and Brad in a forum where we can listen in and participate via internet while we depend on the Shepherd to provide the nourishment that our souls and our bodies need. Blessings
Sometimes I wish I could FORCE all my christian friends to listen to your podcasts… :)))
We enjoy these conversations. They also continue between me and my spouce, as we always listen together! And I know although I cannot force my friends to listen to it (apparently they’re also not in French…), I know they are a real encouragement for us finding True Love, and this love somehow influences our environment! Thank you guys! We are blessed!
This was a timely podcast for me as Australia gears up to change the marriage Act to allow homosexuals to marry. As a Christian I’m struggling with the ‘what to do’ in this situation. Do you stand up and fight with those fighting to keep marriage how God intended or do you accept the inevitability of these things coming to pass?
It makes me angry to witness the evil ways these pro homosexual groups and pro choice abortion groups go about to push their agendas but despite my will to ‘show them they are wrong’ I have this other part of me that wonders how Jesus would handle the situation. I don’t image he would fight and protest in the same spirit the ‘pro’ groups do but I’m left wondering whether there is anything he wants Christians to do in these situations.
Even though I still follow what is going on politically and I am preparing my family for worst case scenarios, I am no longer bitter and upset over the political and economic destruction I know is willfully created by the aristocracy of the world.
Several years ago, the Lord reminded me that I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God, not any government of the Earth. I am called to live according to the integrity of my King and His Kingdom, even though others seek selfish gain all around me. We are to live like Daniel in an occupied territory.
I am currently reading Dr. Nyland’s common Greek translation of the New Testament. Her approach is to use the words of Greek as commonly understood by Greeks of that era based upon the common use of Greek as found in secular Greek documents, with similar English words that correspond to the common Greek understanding.
Most Bibles translate 2 Tim 2:22 as “flee youthful lusts” but Dr. Nyland says the common understanding of the Greek word “neoterikos” translated as “youthful” is “revolutionary”. In other words, she believes Paul is exhorting Timothy to steer clear of Zealot activism and to pursue godliness instead.
She may be correct, even though I also believe that God does place people in political positions and are called to such labors. As for me, He has already made it clear to me that I am to pursue the Kingdom of God not political activism.
Hey Wayne!
Do the conference thing. Those attending are not some sort of monolithic unity. There are many looking to come out and into the Jesus relational way. I would not even have known you if I had not ordered the H2H 2010 Conference DVD. Since then, my wife and I are reading your works. Just finished He Loves Me. I plan to read it again and give a copy to all our simple church groups. We all need some help in finding our way and you have a good piece of guidance for that journey. Great stuff and kindred spirit. Hope to spend time with you some day.
Love and prayers – Mike
“It is a very grave mistake to think that the enjoyment of seeing and searching can be promoted by means of coercion and a sense of duty.”
— Albert Einstein
I see this as the problem with all forms of Government (Civil and Church).
God never intended for us to govern one another, He alone can do this and very well I might add.
He is so good and I am extremely thankful that I have found the freedom to know him apart from the government of the “church”. Thank you for “slinging that freedom”. It has been about 5 years in the making but I can say that I am finally free from that mindset. Free to wake up every morning full of anticipation for what the day will hold in Him. I still have so much to experience with Him but I know that He is faithful to teach me on the way so don’t get bogged down looking for principles to govern me… just the “enjoyment of seeing and searching”.
Oh the wonder of it all!
God Bless! Thank you for sharing your journey with us, I know it has made a world of difference in my life.
Have a very blessed Christmas season.
You guys know if enough profits continue to proficy one will eventually be right or lucky