Seeing People as People

Brad's been listen to the relationships versus religion raps on YouTube and Wayne's been reading Tattoos of the Heart and the two converge in a lively discussion about how we view people. Do we treat others as individuals and love as people even if broken or lost, or do we see them through the grid of us versus them relationships that makes us more prone to poke them in the eye with our own need for self-validation. As long as we need people to fill up something in us, we use them even if we don't mean to. By finding our acceptance and worth in him, we will not view people based on our needs, but rather engage them as loved children of a gracious Father, whether they know it yet or not. That invites us into the space Jesus enjoyed, the freedom to love people for who they were, not how they would fit into his plans.

Podcast Links:
The Religion/Relationship Rap
Wayne's Blog on Tattoos on the Heart
The Human Experience
Order A Man Like No Other from one of these three websites: Murry's website, Windblown Media, or Lifestreamхудожник на икони


  1. The rubber meets the road reality is very much appreciated. Thank you! 🙂

  2. I think for those who are convinced in the need to defend the faith often have a hard time engaging in conversation with those of a different bent. Many have been taught not to give a foothold or to entertain certain conversations. Conversely, those of us not quite as given to traditional thought can sometimes be resistant to conversation because we anticipate what will be said. If we can get past these fears and hangups and realize that a conversation is just that and nothing more, we might be able to get somewhere. We’ve got to become more comfortable in our beliefs and not see other points of view as a threat. No one can force you to change your mind. You’re in control of what you choose to believe or not believe. Once we remove the perceived threat and irrational fears, we might be in a better place to talk to people of all stripes, realizing that doing so takes nothing away from us.

  3. The new equipment sounded wonderful, but the content was so much better. It is way to easy to put people in a bow we define instead of laying aside our judgement of them and get to know them. My prayer had been that Father would let me see people through His eyes and love them with His love. Thanks for the encouragement along the way

  4. Dear Brad and Wayne, I enjoy the thought of being able to see into someone’s heart rather than focusing on their doctrine – its how I always want Jesus to see me – to see my heart. Its how I want to see my friends and family and those who are hurting. However, if I’m honest with you, I watched that rap segment before all the hulabaloo happened and what I heard was the frustration of someone who’s already been shut down by those around him. I only saw him trying to get through to his own church (not the muslims, catholics or any other religion) how much it hurts when his family puts on a mask and doesn’t allow those who need Jesus to get close to him – its the frustration I feel about my own family – they don’t want to hear what I think. Its easy to say don’t focus on religion and bashing peoples’ theology – but its SO hard not to be frustrated when you’re speaking to the emptiness of what you thought was your own theology – your own family. Its even harder when you’re finally getting to know someone (Jesus) and you have a lifetime of lies to get through to get close to him while your own family (church) constantly tells you that he’s a scary guy – better keep your distance and try harder before approaching… I want to be mature and only ever see a person’s heart – but its hard when you’re seeing Jesus in a new way and you’re surrounded by a large crowd of people who want you to let go of what you’ve only just found – and its the people who are supposed to support you, love you, be patient with you. I find myself to be very immature sometimes when Im faced with this…

  5. Well, belonging…how many of you want to belong to this frightening spectre of modern Christianity?:

    And for those of you who want to see the other side of the argument:

    I am so thankful for Wayne’s teaching on our God who IS love…and the new picture of Jesus I have found in these writings…for protecting my mind from the venom in the first article and the vicious pictures of God in it, and for the courage of Alice Whisman for shining a Godly light on that perspective.

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