How Did That Become Unthinkable? (#500)
Wayne and Brad reunite to talk about this podcast and how it has impacted others and then more importantly how their own journeys have continued to take them to places they would never have conceived. You never know how exploring the depths of God's love and interacting with him through the joys and challenges of living in this world can re-shape you in ways you would never have imagined. Things we have done all their lives to serve ourselves and hurt others eventually become unthinkable in light of the way God loves and works. They also talk about finances and how monetizing anything corrupts it, and nothing more than in our love and care for others.
Podcast Links:
Wayne's Blog on The 500 Episodes of The God Journey that includes many of the letters and comments from our listeners
Past Podcasts referred to on this podcast:
Wayne's Upcoming Travel to New England and Colorado
Our latest update from Kenya
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What an absolute treat to listen to the conversation between you! The flow is amazing, like a deep river full of depths of colour that is but a reflection of what comes from above.
I agree with Wayne, it is not as much fun when he does it alone. The way the two of you strike ideas off each other and then add an addendum or extrapolate on a comment like buds unfurling into fragrant beauty that enthralls the beholder, is actually awe-inspiring and I am grateful that I stumbled upon your podcasts.
I must admit, that from the time, you posted, Wayne that you were going to do a podcast with Brad, I have been counting the days and it was with much excitement that I checked this evening to see if it was posted and having listened, I am filled with thoughtful musings over some of the incredibly profound insights that was a result of your conversation.
Thank you from a grateful heart.
This was great! I agree with Michelle that its really a joy to listen to the two of you interact. There were so many cool things discussed in the podcast. Wayne, when you mentioned how the Lord had really impressed upon you that He wanted to be the one to take care of you and Sarah, I could relate to that tremendously.
When my kids and I followed the Lord outside of the IC everything was stripped away. We found ourselves completely alone and soon would find out that this really was a good thing even though at the time it was quite frightening. There were many circumstances that arose where the Lord provided in wonderful ways. He was the only one I could turn to. He help me settle into the reality that He was my provider and He wanted to take care of me and my kids. The security this started to develop in me has helped deal with many anxieties that I had been consumed with before. Its so very wonderful to be in His Hands!
Your both such an encouragement and joy to listen to! God Bless you Guys!
What a Gift the two of you are ! I am still musing over some of you guys conversation… I love how you can pick right back up where you left off as if you still did this every week, what an incredible encouragement it is to Hear Two guys down the road a bit still finding God to be the most endearing being in the universe, enjoying The life of Jesus outside of religious obligation and holding to the center line of the good news of how deeply we are loved by our Father and being drawn ever deeper into the reality of that transformative affection!! It truly is like a city set on a Hill , impossible to Hide, inviting me deeper, beckoning To greater spaces of freedom yet to be discovered!! I loved The quote from Dave Colman about “when our wellbeing is in anyway hinged on the response of others we will manipulate them to get it” or something like that… Man is that ever true! Could you repeat that Wayne ? That seems to be at the heart some new freedom I am finding… I’m not sure I remember it correctly. Thank you both!
Hi Wayne, great podcast! I’ve only been listening for about a year, but I’ve been blessed by so many of the discussions that you and Brad have had on a wide range of topics. I’m so glad the archives are still available for those of us who only just arrived to the party.
Your conversation about the manipulating role of money in the systems we create brought back several memories that I had pushed into the back of my mind. I recalled a 30 year-old conversation with the pastor of the small congregation where I was a deacon. I don’t recall the context, but the comment went something like this… “I don’t want to make them mad; they’re good givers to the church.” I was stunned. I remember thinking maybe he was just making a joke, but then I realized he was absolutely serious. I heard similar stories from friends in other congregations. “Invitation only” banquets were held for those who were “tithers.” More recently, I heard of a local mega-church where the staff has their “tithe” withheld from their paycheck as if it were a tax!
Manipulating people to keep the machine running can take on many forms. Not long ago I was in a conversation with a pastor about the struggle many people who were raised in the church have with being “closet Pharisees.” I was shocked when he said “it’s good to have some folks like that around…. you can get a lot of work out of them.” I understand the reality that every congregation has folks at different points in the journey; but how can pastors and leaders possibly justify using folks who are bound up in religious performance and obligation as if they are slaves maintaining the machine? Jesus came to set the captives free from sin and religion. We should be doing no less than the same.
Thank-you Wayne, for helping me see how subtle these manipulative tactics are; and also for your willingness to admit you’ve used them yourself. My “yuck meter” has gone off many times over the past 30 years; and finally you come along and confirm my suspicion that something is very wrong with the systems we’ve created.
Chuck, your response went through me like a point 7 earthquake. How to explain? Wayne and Brad, you speak so easily about something that is frighteningly horrific in its pervasive reality in the institutions so many of us have all walked away from. Chuck, your response made me realise anew what I have walked away from, the chains that are the lies and hypocrisies that are hidden in the system. The system perpetuated by men zealously protecting The System on which their survival depends. How far have they wandered from the simplicity of a life in Christ.
The contrast between the system of the institution and the enlightened lifestyle that Brad and Wayne et al have discovered that is so easily and simply followed is so incredibly apparent in the descriptions you give, Chuck and in the easy yet profound discussion in the podcast.
And within the still shuddering depths of my being, the gratitude grows greater that there is a power in the freedom that brings light and life and nothing could induce me to subject myself to the heavy political prison of hypocritical ignorance where freedom is only understood in terms of rules and regulations. The scripture that comes to mind is forgive them for they know not what they do and the other is …to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh.
And my heart is overcome with sadness for the pastors that truly want to love but are blind and thus hindered from living in the simplicity and power of freedom so aptly displayed in the lives and thus the conversation that has been continuing over more than 10 years in you, Wayne and Brad. Thank you for following the voice of Him who called you to walk unfettered by the heavy chains of shoulds and musts into the paths of freedom that brings joy and a love that surpasses understanding. Thank you for your light and easy conversations about the profound revelations that free the soul.
I just have to quote the scripture because it has been the cornerstone of my journey into Freedom. Ephesians 3:16that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, 17so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.
Thank you Chuck for reminding me what I have walked away from. How dark it looks from where I now stand.
Sorry for this late comment but I am trying to catch up on the podcasts.
One of the things you mentioned in this podcast about people not living is Gods love, but using manipulation, control, fear, etc. to get people to do things.
One thing I have come to realize is that these people are living by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and not living by the tree of life. They are looking at the written word instead of the living word, namely Christ Jesus. Resting in Him who has done it all for us. Realizing that God love me, period.