Wayne’s Journey to Living Loved (#505)
Wayne turns over the microphone to Jeff Heer of DefiningRoots.com for a lengthy interview about Wayne's life and journey and how God drew him into living loved and a liberating view of the church that he wrote about in Finding Church. This is the kind of conversation that often begins his time with new groups of people he visits. Now you can hear it firsthand as well as he tackles such questions as how this journey unfolded, why he gave up the institutional approach to church life, why he left the congregations he shared leadership in, and the fear that those who don't have an institution will go off track theologically.
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I just wanted to say THANK YOU. This conversation (continued in the next podcast) and your conversation with Bob Scott were incredible. They have really struck a chord and resonate with my heart.
Also want to thank you for a while back for recommending the work of Brene Brown. I just finished “The Gifts of Imperfection” and am now reading “Daring Greatly”. These were great books that flesh out more some of the topics talked about on the God Journey (though with spiritual conclusions here).
I just wanted to thank you for what you do. It makes a world of difference to me. I really appreciate you Wayne, the life you live, and the sacrifices you have made!