How Can God’s Love Not Change Us? (#616)

Is transformation a beautiful invitation God has offered us, or his demand to preserve our salvation or to keep him from being offended? How we look at transformation tell us a lot of what we believe about God and righteousness. Following up input from the audience, Wayne and Brad revisit their conversation about character by talking about the way God transforms us as the true liberty we were created for. If we see change coming to our lives either by human effort or to somehow endear ourselves to God, we will fail to find it. If, however, we see the way God wants us to live as his desire for our good, it's a glorious trajectory to live in.

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  1. There seems to be a certain reality where we, in good faith, believe people to be what we aspire, and/or esteem, ourselves to be. To me this is the childlikeness God desires; and although at times naive, we do profit when we follow our hearts, even if the world were to rob us blind. Suffer reality’s brute trauma? Sure…, but leaning into Father slowly replaces the list of false expectations with those based within his love. All of this I see as an extension/expression of our identity; things which we think we are don’t lose luster, these are displaced by love. Most of the change I have incurred was not sought directly, but has only occurred because of His love’s encounter. But also, the weightiness of temporal things has yielded to the reality of eternal love. I do think most of our disappointments in life are based upon false expectations which stems from a temporal core of false identity. Jesus seemed to talk a lot about those types of things when he walked among the people. Learning to be content was one of my biggest questions when I started out. THE love process has greatly explained it much better than anyone ever could! And tossing having to have answers into the trash, and having to have him instead, takes the work out of it for me. Resting…is so much better!

  2. Great comments Mitchell! And a great podcast. Will have to listen to it a few times, I think.
    I know that for many years I was so focused upon my personal sins and short comings that I permanently lived in guilt and /or a regime of intense prayer and Bible meditation etc, to try to eradicate it.

    I now focus on the Lord and leave it to Him. It’s amazing how when you’re walking with the Lord and are secure in His love, much of the desire to sin, and the unruly attitudes, etc just aren’t there anymore.

    Hope you all weren’t effected by the mudslides.

  3. Robin, love the changes you’ve made. As long as we are focused on our sin, we’re not focused on him. We did escape the fires and mudslides though all of that is not far from here. So many lives have been devastated by these tragedies though and our hearts go out to them.

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