The Scripture Story (#Extra)
Wayne and Julie offer a special announcement at a new on-line class Wayne will be offering about The Story of Scripture. Originally designed as a brief course for his grandkids during the pandemic, they also decided to make it available to other interested families. This class will explore the story that runs through all of Scripture and how it connects us with the Living Jesus as he makes himself known in each of our hearts today. It is an adaptation of the material Wayne taught in The Jesus Lens, which is available at Lifestream and takes the view that Scripture is a progressive revelation of who God is and how we can engage him and his unfolding purpose in the world. This class will start at 11:00 am Pacific Daylight Time Thursday, March 26 and continue on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for 13 sessions. For those who can't join us live, the videos will be available after for you to share with your kids when it's convenient for you. If you're interested in further details, please join The Scripture Story Facebook Page below.
Podcast Notes:
The Scripture Story Facebook Page
The Jesus Lens at
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Is there another information channel besides Facebook for those of us who do not want to join FB?
If all goes well we will simulcast on Zoom, Facebook Live, and YouTube on the Lifestream channel.