Free of the Prison of Self (#782)

On this last podcast of 2020, Wayne finishes his conversation with his friend Stephan Vosloo from Ladysmith, South Africa, and what he has learned about letting Father's love lead him out of the prison of self. He shares his own process of learning to love even the broken places in his heart so that he can love the broken places in others.  He also talks about how Jesus, too, had to learn obedience until he could give himself fully on the cross and forgive those who had wronged him so viciously. Afterward, Wayne invites Kyle Rice to process what had meant the most to them in this conversation, and how it is impacting their own process of living loved.

Podcast Notes:
Pre-order Live Loved Free Full, Wayne's newest book
Join the Launch Team for Wayne's New Book
Previous Podcasts with Stephan Vosloo



    • The way that’s worded, Laura, it sounds like just another human effort trick, doesn’t it? I don’t think that’s what Stephan or I am saying. We’re not talking about loving the sin, but loving our broken selves that opened the door to sin. If God loves us when we’re broken, why can’t we love the brokenness in ourselves? And if we can’t do that we probably won’t love others well in their brokenness. It’s not a matter of loving ourselves out of it. It’s a matter of letting God’s love grow in us so that he loves us out of it. We’re just cooperating with his work, not resorting to our own. Does that make sense?

  1. I offer this thought, in terms of “Gods calling” on a persons life, perhaps almost always much like not seeing the forest for the trees, we game missed seeing that calling was first and foremost to BE HIS!

  2. This is the reason I keep coming back to this podcast. I needed to hear this man’s message. I don’t even have words for it, really. I’m really just stunned. I have been on a very similar journey. His story is overflowing with the love of the Father I have come to know through all of my abuse and hardships, and have rarely, rarely seen in my lifetime of “church” experiences. Wish I could speak with Stephan in real life, yet his message has encouraged me from thousands of miles a way just the same.

  3. Thank you both for sharing your conversation with us (and for Kyle’s thoughts too, which also spoke to my heart). I feel my head spinning (in a good way) from all the wonderful nuggets of truth that resonate with me. From the thought of Jesus possibly being on a journey (wow!) to being ok with your own and old man self. I have been very hard on myself with how I am responding with behavioral problems from my adopted child. I have prayed and prayed and tried and tried to get past this and can’t, it just seems like this season of getting nowhere is taking forever. But maybe I am struggling to love the broken person in me like God does, which is preventing me to love her in her brokenness. I can see this in other areas of my life. I feel like a horrible person even saying this…I do love her but adoption has really shook up our family and I know I could show my love to her better than I have been. I’m just so worn out trying. But this podcast has given me some hope and something I plan to put before God. Anyway, there is SO much from these podcasts to take away from and it is great to see the Spirit moving in unexpected ways in the lives of many including my own. Thanks again!

  4. Hi Wayne… thanks for your comments to Laura… I was feeling a bit lost in these last 2 podcasts and I couldn’t quite put all the puzzle pieces together until you made that comment.

    “It’s a matter of letting God’s love grow in us so that he loves us out of it. We’re just cooperating with his work, not resorting to our own.”

    I’ve been considering those ideas over the last few months, and I’m leaning into them more and more these days. It seems to be giving me more room to share God’s love with others, and seems to do more to push condemnation out the window (whether it’s condemnation of others or our self).

    Thanks for sharing these incredible learning moments with all of us, and giving us a chance to mature through the conversations that you’ve had.

    Bailey, NC

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