Transforming Love #7: Love, Rest, Play (#863)

Wayne and Sara have begun their cross-country trip, and that opens a conversation with Kyle about God's desire to restore our innocence, where sin and trauma have intruded upon it. Then they pick up the conversation about transformational love with the relationship God wants to draw us into—one that finds growing security in his love, increasing rest from our own labors, and a playfulness that will help us recognize how Father is revealing himself even in our most brutal circumstances and most ardent pain.

Podcast Notes:
Stay in the Pain
Redeeming Love Podcasts
Keep up with Wayne and Sara's RV journey by liking Wayne's Author page on Facebook.


  1. Thank you again Kyle and Wayne. First the Richard Rohr quote and then you both discussing “rather than running from pain (pushing it away) to wait with Jesus until resurrection comes”. These thoughts are helpful in my ongoing processing. Sue

  2. Thank you Kyle and Wayne.
    It’s the quote for me…“hold that pain till resurrection comes…” Like the parable of the widow in Luke Jesus talked about: how we are to keep seeking Father till we get the justice. Justice in this case, is not about punishing the offender or about destruction, but about giving back to us what was taken from us, ‘that innocence’.
    Religious beliefs had mostly had us push down or ignore pains/ emotions. We tend to fake the joy and the love/ peace, instead of living our reality to the Lord and let Him do the deep work of healing. But I see how I’m learning through the process Father is taking me through in healing trauma. It’s not an easy process, having to revisit past pains and events. It takes courage, but it is worth it.
    God bless you Wayne and Sara for taking the courage to share your journey with us. I think the world, especially the body of Christ needs to dig more into these issues.
    ’cause Christ is coming for the innocent bride without spots/ wrinkles from traumas.

  3. No, it isn’t an easy process, and our hearts go out to you at this stage of the journey. The healing will be sweet, no matter how long it takes. And you’re right, authenticity is way better than pretense. It does make the religious uncomfortable, but you have to risk it if you want to find the Father’s way.

  4. Hi Wayne,

    Jim Egan here from Florida (Perhaps you’ll remember Beacon Community Church, pastor Pat Jones where we had a meaningful lunch conversation during your visit). I’ve appreciated hearing your journey podcast.

    I heard you say on today’s podcast a passing comment , saying: “I do have a productive thing…..that I feel like if I’m not being productive enough, like I oughta being doing….like if I watch too much football, I need to be more productive than this…….”. It caught my attention because, as timing would have it, today I received this e-mail from the Henri Nouwen Society, saying:
    “When productivity is our main way of overcoming self-doubt, we are extremely vulnerable to rejection and criticism and prone to inner anxiety and depression. Productivity can never give the deep sense of belonging we crave. The more we produce, the more we realize that successes and results cannot give us the experience of ‘at homeness’. In fact, our productivity reveals to us that we are driven by fear.” (Henri Nouwen)

    To use your words, I, too, “have a productive thing” and Nouwen’s quote made me contemplate on my “productive thing” to consider more deeply whether I was operating out of fear or not.

    As I continue to consider my own motivation, I would value your thoughts on Nouwen’s expression. ???


    • Hi Jim. Certainly, fear can be one of the reasons we get caught in the drive to be productive all the time, but I can think of others like insecurity, habit, or simply having more ideas than time to implement them. I’ve probably cycled through all the reasons in my life at one time or another. But learning to live life at the speed of relationships rather than achievement is a great deterrent to any of them. I am also finding that much more kingdom production comes when we least expect it, out of rest and peace, rather than drive to accomplish.

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