As the Move of God Unravels… (#719)

Whether it's a local fellowship or a worldwide movement, when something God does in the earth has been co-opted by people who seek to control it through leadership, or market it for financial gain, his life in it slowly dissipates. Then what? Wayne and Richard Hanes, of Richmond Va, continue the conversation they started last week about when a move of God does into decline. The steps are always similar between those who are still hungry for God's moving and those who want to control and perpetuate it by human effort. If you've ever left a group of people you loved deeply, you'll recognize this process and what one has to do to keep hunger alive.

Podcast Notes:
Last Week's Podcast with Richard Hanes
Wayne's Travel Schedule
Five Common Elements - an article by Richard Hanes
The Latest from Kenya


  1. Good topic.
    – I agree with some of points .. in the Article (5 Common Elements..)

    I am working on book project.
    – One part of the book is on ‘Spiritual Awakening / Renewal movements’ in Christian history.

    From last paragraph of the Article.
    “..God will always have His testimony on earth.. find who are lowly, broken, needy and desperately hungry for God..
    and a new and fresh move will begin. ”
    – We can see that pattern. . for ‘the Move of God / Movement in Christian history.


  2. Anything that has been orchestrated by the Spirit will be sustainable until mere mortal men get there grubby hands into it. We left the institutional form in 1991, but God has been doing “exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think”. We have come to know God in a way that would not have been possible in the structure. Numerous years in the desert of loneliness have driven us into the heart of heart. I have no grudges or hurts that God has not dealt with in me. In my morning times I have encounters with the Lord that put me in a place where I just want don’t want to leave His Presence. Unthinkable when we were in the system. God over the years has brought people into our lives that allow us to bless and be blessed. We’re as committed now as we ever were and from time to time do a review
    of Church outside the Walls.

  3. Hello there, nice conversation so thanks for letting it be available. So tempting to air my own opinion instead of writing what I came on here to do. Okay. As a parent the wisdom in this podcast episode is what I want to pass on to my children. I do see it in them though because they know Him but I desire to nurture it as well. And an unexpected blessing occurred. My youngest asked for a certain book to be read for a before bed story. “Life According to Perfect” by the author Ralph Harris. It is an allegorical description of meeting Jesus and then living with, following, what have you, Jesus. At almost 12 years of age I wondered if they could grasp some of the concepts. A lot of it was. Please consider this short story I just posted as a help for parents and not an endorsement for the greatest author ever (ha, ha). The book is not published by a big publisher just like other good authors I’ve seen aren’t. Alright take care, Jared.

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