Redeeming Love: Finding Our Way Back (#857)

This is part four of a seven-part series unpacking a very personal story of pain, trauma, redemption, and resurrection in Wayne and Sara's journey. Last week, they were moving closer together but now meeting for the first time since Sara moved out unexpectedly. She wasn't wanting to test the waters on marriage again but to see if they could find a way to be friends, if not spouses, again. However, their re-connection opens a door not only to the love they have for each other but also to insight into the traumatic brain that Sara had been dealing with.

Podcast Notes:
Previous podcasts with Sara - Learning Love More Deeply (2012)  •  Finding Our Way to Us (2020)  •  Finding Our Way to Us Part 2 (2020)
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.
Try Softer by Aundi Kolber
Being Known Podcast with Curt Thompson, MD - Season 4 is about unpacking trauma
Helpful video:  How to Find a Therapist


  1. I was so touched and thankful to hear about the night when Wayne broke down at the apartment and that afterward Sara also allowed Wayne to be her comfort. Such a vital step in the reconnection process. What a blessing Kyle has been throughout this process. How amazing is God to have Kyle as your co-host for such a time as this. Thank you all!!!

  2. I am so thankful that you both are sharing this journey with us. This has been incredibly helpful and healing for me to hear.

  3. Bless you and Sara for being willing to share your redemption journey after this crisis in your relationship.
    I feel prompted to write this because I was going to share this with Kyle prior to knowing what had happened in your life Wayne. I am still amazed that you were able to do the podcast with that happening in your life.
    I was wondering if Kyle had discovered IFS in his therapeutic career. You have been talking about trauma therapy and I as a therapist have recently begun practicing in IFS with amazing results especially for Christians! Every blessing to you all

    • Thanks for your words, Louise. I’ll have to let Kyle speak for himself. I love what I’ve read about IFS and the therapist who has helped me understand the Traumatized Brain is also a great fan of its effectiveness with people dealing with trauma. For others who do not know what IFS is, read THE BODY KEEPS THE SCORE. It gives a great definition of it.

  4. Blown away by your willingness to share this story and the testimony of a healing Savior! Each episode, my admiration for Sara, whose life has been less known/public to me (though I have read and listened to Wayne and learned so much for many years now) is growing! I just love her heart through this incredible journey.

    I am so blessed by Sara’s courage and honesty and authenticity. Her experience, as well as Wayne’s, will give new language and understanding to so many. How much loss have so many suffered when condemnation and a refusal to hear and understand have been the harsh, law-keeping order of the day? I cannot help but think of Psalm 84:5-7 in Sara’s story.
    “Blessed and greatly favored are those whose strength is in You,
    whose heart are set on a pilgrimage to Zion.
    Passing through the Valley of Baca (a place of bitter weeping and sore distress), they make it a place of refreshing springs;
    The early autumn rain also covers it with blessings.
    They go from strength to strength (becoming stronger and stronger);
    Until each of them appears before God in Zion.”

    Wayne and Sara-you are digging wells in the Valley Baca. Filled with the rains of the goodness of God, they will be wells to refresh and bless. Thank you for encouraging all of us in the faith. We are praising God with you.

    • Thank you, Jeannie, for your most-gracious words and incredibly encouraging Scripture. We are on a path we never knew Father would have for us but are wonderfully blessed in the healing going on in Sara and in “us”, and look forward to this next chapter of our lives.

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