Koinonia Cultivators
3 CommentsWayne and Brad follow-up last week's podcast on Koinonia Killers by responding to some of the comments and concerns that...
Your conversations are like a cool breeze on a hot day.
Yours is a sane voice in a crazy world.
The podcast truly inspires me every time I listen
Your compassion for both God and his children is refreshing and honest.
…discussing complex issues in an interesting, funny, simple way. I look forward to each podcast.
These podcasts give me language and an eye to see what God was doing inside me.
Love how you talk about real stuff, worldly & faith. Has helped through difficult times.
It is so freeing to listen to free people chatting and laughing as they discuss life.
My entire outlook on life has changed overnight! My life has Life again!
These podcasts are feeding a hungry spirit with truth, removing brick by brick the walls of performance in my life.
Wayne and Brad follow-up last week's podcast on Koinonia Killers by responding to some of the comments and concerns that...
Christian fellowship isn't rocket science. People passionate about Jesus who get near each other find themselves sharing his life without...
Brad and Wayne follow up The Ladysmith Story with comments from our listeners as a springboard to talk about the...
Our apologies to all of you already subscribing to The God Journey on iTunes, but you need to recheck your...
Meet Stefan Vosloo and through him some wonderful brothers and sisters in South Africa. He was a pastor of a...
A recent letter by New Zealander Andrew Strom has caused a bit of a stir by many who are thinking...
Why do passionate disciples of the Living God continue to get caught in the system of religious obligation? Because they...
Our current podcasts we are also experimenting with various suggestions we've received from our listeners to improve the podcast. We're...
On a future webcast, Brad and I want to discuss a letter with you that Andrew Strom has written to...
During his recent trip to South Africa Wayne met with many brothers and sisters who are in various stages of...
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